Saturday, October 2, 2010

Little House Quilt - Landscaping #7

Click on the photos to open and see the whole picture

I hope you are having fun, sorting through your fabrics and finding creative ways to landscape your Little House Quilt.

This page of the blog will update several times today so that you can see my process.

The photo below is the beginning of the rough landscape, I am playing right now so things may change as we move along, you'll have to check back later today to see. Remember, you will not be ironing down any of your pieces yet...we might want to move them around, you are just setting them on your lot to see if you like them.

I want a waterfall, we don't have one, but I want one, so I have created a waterfall feature in my imaginary landscape. We have big Ponderosa Pines out here; you can see the trunks, I have not yet cut the needles. I'm still playing with placement. The leafy fabric that is currently directly behind the house had some pink flowers in it and looked out of place, so I simply clipped a bit of the fabric and placed it right over the pink parts.

Click on the Photos to open and see the whole picture.

So, I hope you are working along on your Little House Quilt, this is one of the "fun" parts for me. Don't get hung up on being precise, enjoy your process, you can lift it off if you don't like it, but you'll never know until you cut it and put it into place. It just might be perfect! See you in a few with some more pictures. By the end of today, we will be ironing in place our base landscape!

Told you I'd be back with more.  So here is an example of an easy way to get rid of an element in the fabric that you may not want.  Remember the pink flowers, now you see them...
 And with a few quick snips, now you don't!  These leafy bits are going to be the madrone and oak forest  behind my house.

I have a big helper this morning.  This is Beatrix, aka Honey Bee.  Her very important job its to make sure that none of the bits gets away.  You can see, she is very intent on doing her job this morning.  What are quilts without cats, right?  I am at a pretty rough stage right now, but liking it so far.

Okay, back to the quilt, see you in a few with some more photos!  Clip, clip, clip...and remember, let the fabric do some of the work for you.

I have added in some darker rocks to create depth and now I am working on the branches of my pine trees.  I have moved things around a bit and will probably move them again before I'm happy.  But things are coming along nicely.

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