One woman's exploration of Quilting and Design
To celebrate reaching 20,000 followers on our Facebook Page, we are giving away a Brand New Baby Lock Zest Sewing Machine from Gary's Sewing Center located at 1576 West Broadway Street, Idaho Falls, Idaho or 512 Yellowstone, Pocatello, Idaho. Gary's is a great place for a variety of machines from sergers, embroidery machines, sewing machines, longarm quilting machines, you name it, they have it. In addition to sewing machines, they have a wonderful selection threads and essential notions, needles, scissors, optional sewing accessories. They also offer instruction with every machine you purchase and have optional clubs and sewing classes for those that want to explore more options to fully take advantage of the creativity that can be theirs!
This machine is perfect for on the go quilters or sewists! Weighing in at 13 lbs, it is light weight and very portable! A perfect machine to take with you to a retreat. Here are a few of the features;15 different built in stitches, variable needle positions, front loading bobbin, free arm capability, thread cutter, snap on feet, 4 step button holes and more!
To be eligible you must:
1. Follow our Facebook Page - Sister of The Divide
2. Like the giveaway post pinned at the top of our Facebook Page
3. Leave a comment
4. Share the post or tag a friend.
We will draw one winner on Valentine's Day, February 14, and announce it on our Facebook Page. You must reside in the contiguous United States of America. Not affiliated or sponsored by any company. This is just for fun, to encourage quilting and show our appreciation to our followers for their support. There is no cash value in lieu. There is nothing to purchase ever and no requirement to purchase anything. We do not collect your information other than to contact you if you are the winner. No one will try to contact you or sell you anything. No gimmicks, just a great giveaway.
Again, we want you to know how very much we appreciate your support. Thank you! Good Luck Quilters!
Here we go! I have been remiss about posting to my blog. 2024 was just a busy year for us. But here were are and we are launching into 2025! Last November I started to migrate my videos over to my YouTube Channel. It is just easier to have things all in one place and somewhat organized so I don't have to scroll through Facebook to try and find them for folks. My video skills are rudimentary but will improve with practice. Who says you can't teach an old dog! You can visit our YouTube Channel at this link: Sister Of The Divide Please take a moment to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and to watch and like a video. This really helps us out and we so appreciate your support. If you hit the notifications button you will also be notified everytime we upload a new video and you won't miss a beat!
Today the postman delivered my order from Amazon and I am so happy to start getting my WIP projects organized for this year! I ordered 12 stackable plastic bins that are 12" x 12" square. They were 6 bins for $38. These are perfect to store my quilt blocks and organize those projects that I want to tackle this year! I plan to number them 1 through 12 and to draw a number each month. That corresponding bin will be the one that gets worked on. The goal is to complete all of these by the end of the year, in addition to what ever else I get cooking on. A little discipline and focused organization will go along way to achieving my goal. It's the perfect time, here in Idaho, with the snow and cold weather, to sequester myself in the sewing studio and get things done. Here is a link if you want some for yourself. We are not sponsored by Amazon. https://a.co/d/c9cnaCL
Our Blue Bird pattern is available on Etsy right now if you want a fun project for Valentines Day. You can get it in a PDF file format for instant download here: https://sisterofthedivide.etsy.com/listing/1645104452
I have had a love affair with this block for years. Looking at the piles of scraps that have been accumulating, it's high time I start doing something with them. This block has been around for many years. It can be scrappy or organized, you can have so much fun with it! They are like potato chips, bet you can't make just one!
We have the X and Plus Block Group formed on Facebook now and you can join in the fun. There will be directions for several different sizes and video tutorials to walk you through the construction of this block. The link for the Facebook site is X and Plus Block Group Come join the fun!
This year we are going to use up some scraps and make a bunch of blocks. At the end of the year we will see what we have and put some quilt tops together!
This is a quick fun project that even a beginner can make! You will want to gather up the following supplies to make two tea towels:
1/2 yard main fabric
1/8 yard accent fabric
Sewing Machine
Rotary cutting mat, ruler and rotary cutter
Pins or clips
To construct one tea towel; from your main fabric cut the following:
one - 18" x 21" rectangle
one - 5" x 21" rectangle
From your accent fabric cut the following:
one - 5" x 21" rectangle
Please read all instructions and watch the attached video before you begin.
IMPORTANT: All seams are 1/2". (there is a spot in the video where I said 1/4" in error)
Carefully place your accent fabric, right sides together, along the long edge of your larger main fabric piece. Be sure you are not placing it along the side. If you have a couple inches hanging off the end you need to turn your fabric so that you are stitching both long sides together. Press to your accent fabric. Repeat this for the remaining piece of your main fabric, stitching it to the bottom of the accent fabric. Press to the accent fabric.
There are many ways to finish the seam on the back of your towel. This is how I like to do it. At your ironing board, press under your seam allowance by 1/4" toward the stitching. Fold once more so that your seam is completely encased and pin in place. Stitch on the edge using a 1/4" top stitch. You can see this illustrated in the video tutorial. Press and repeat this process for both seams.
Some other ways to finish this seam: Use your serger if you have one, pink the edges and top stitch from the right side of the fabric. You can select what pleases you.
We are ready to hem the tea towel now using the same method we employed for the napkins from the November 5, 2023 tutorial. Here is a link to that tutorial if you wish to refresh your memory: Let's Make Some Napkins!
Press under 1/2" all around your tea towel. Line up two corner edges and pin. Unfold your point carefully. Line up your ruler along the folded edge of your fabric and close to the intersection of your ironed corner. Use a removable marker to mark a line from the folded edge to the open edge of your tea towel. Stitch on that line. Trim kind of a wedge shape from the outside edge of your tea towel to the beginning stitch point, careful not to cut through that point. Repeat for all four corners. Turn your corners out and press. Press along the edges of your tea towel and pin or clip the hem in place. Finish by stitching along the edge of the fold, press again and you are done! Finished size is about 24" x 19".
These make incredibly cute gifts, tuck them into a basket with a jar full of candy raspberries and blackberries. You can add them to a basket with some spagetti sauce and a fun pasta. How about some scone mix, a nice jar of honey or homemade jam. The options are endless and it will just brighten up someone's day. A perfect Valentine's Day gift!
You do not have to make these with an insert. If you just have a pretty fabric and you want it all one fabric cut your piece to measure 28" x 21". Finish your corners and hem as above and your are all done. A pretty piece of embroidery would be lovely. Vintage linen table cloths can be repurposed. Embellishments can be added, some pretty lace, rickrack, buttons, applique, the options are only limited by your imagination!
Hope you enjoyed this little tutorial. Go have a great day and make something pretty!
This last week I have been working on this quilt pattern for you. With Valentine's Day coming, this is a perfect quick table topper, mini quilt or wall hanging. You could even take this quilt and continue with additional blocks and borders to create your own quilt the size you wish. The link for the pattern is here: https://sisterofthedivide.etsy.com
This quilt has some Half Square Triangles, instructions are provided. It also has 2 pieces that are paper pieced. You will need to square up your border blocks before finishing your final border. The ruler that I used for squaring up is the Sew Kind of Wonderful Sew Square 4 ruler. You can use any ruler that has a 45 degree marking and a 1/4" marking on two sides. This will let you quickly square up your border blocks and maintain the seam allowance.
This is a great pattern to use up your bits and bobs of fabric. It doesn't take much for the hearts and the bird. Gather up your scraps and have some fun. You can put this together in a weekend!
For the quilting, I wanted to create the effect of a vintage lacy doily or the kind of lacy effect that you see on lots of Valentine's Day cards. I used the Tulips B2B by Linda Matteotti and reduced the size quite a bit, cropped around the heart and the bird. On the heart I quilted a feather heart with some embellishments. In the first border I quilted pennies and the second border is pretty much left alone, the blue areas have an inverted square which was skewed to fit each area.
You can quilt it anyway you wish. This would be beautiful hand quilted.
I hope you enjoy this pattern, it was fun creating it. Happy Valentine's Day!
In each jar, measure 1 1/2 cups of cranberries, 1/4-1/2 cup of sugar depending on how sweet you like it, top with water to the 1" mark on your jar, wipe the rim with a clean towel and place your lids and rings finger tight. Finger tight means just that, you are not cranking it down hard.
Now place these jars in your water bath canner with water covering the tops of the jars by 1 inch and bring to a boil. Once boiling you will process at sea level for 25 minutes, adjust the time for your altitude. We are at almost 5000ft so I add an additional 10 minutes.
When done, remove your jars to a cloth covered counter to cool for at least 24 hours. Do not tighten the rings. The sugar will not be dissolved, don't worry, you are going to let these sit on your shelf for 4-6 weeks before you open them. Check your seals the next day, make sure you have a good seal on your jar, remove the rings and wipe the jar well. Lable with content and date and set in your pantry. You can shake them before you use them and the sugar should have gradually dissolved. Strain the juice and save the berries. You can use them in cakes, breads, muffins, etc.
You can flavor your cranberry juice by adding a strip of orange peel, some apple slices, raspberries, cherries, grapes, what ever you like! Don't be afraid to be creative.
The second way to make your cranberry juice is to place your 3 bags of berries into a large pot, add 10 cups of water and 3 cups of sugar. Bring to a boil over medium high heat and boil until the berries are soft and release their juice. Strain the pulp and ladle the juice into clean quart jars, wipe your rims with a clean cloth and place your lids and rings, again finger tight. Process in your water bath canner same as above. These are ready to drink right away. If you want some for your table, there is no need to process additional jars, you just pour what you want in a pitcher and can the remainder.
I hope you enjoyed this post, please feel free to share with your friends. Comment below if you like. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
To start you will need 1 fat quarter per napkin. 1 yard of fabric will make 4 napkins. You can mix and match your fatquarters if you like or have them all the same!
Cut your fabric to measure an 18" square. Press under 1/2" all around the edges of each napkin as shown below.
I have a weakness for pouches, I love them! I love to make them. They are great for organizing not just make up essentials but quilting essentials, EPP kits, first aid supplies for your home or car, quick grab and take office supplies for on the road, there is literally no end to the multitude of uses you can find for pouches.
What a fun way to use up your scraps! For this pouch I have used some 2.5" squares that were left over from a quilt. I simply stitched them together until I had a piece large enough that I could fold in half for the pattern. I chose a pretty liner fabric that would coordinate.
You will also need to cut your lining and interfacing materials with the same template.
Are you working on or contemplating the Wensleydale Quilt by Jen Kingwell? Have you decided if you will hand piece or machine piece this quilt? Will you be paper foundation piecing? So many decisions. For me, hand piecing is out. Her book Quilt Recipes has templates and complete instructions for making this quilt. I will not be providing those here. What I will provide are tips for what is working well for me and tell you why. There are a multitude of ways to approach this quilt and my way is not the only one. I have chosen to Foundation Paper Piece for accuracy.
This is a list of things you will need to make this block:
Quilting Recipes Book by Jen Kingwell
Foundation Paper packet for the Wensleydale Quilt
Elmer's Washable Glue Stick or glue stick of your choice
Template plastic or clear plastic from folder
An old pair of scissors for cutting the template plastic
Rotary Cutter
Rotary Cutting Mat
Old Sewing Machine Needle
New Sewing Machine Needle
Thread and Bobbin
Sewing Machine
Iron and Pressing Mat or Ironing Board
My first recommendation is to get her book. Links have been provided for recommended items. In her book are templates for each of her quilts. Find the Wensleydale templates and make a photo copy of them.
Get yourself some template plastic. You can find this at your local quilt shop, at your local hobby shop, online and if you prefer to save some $$ then just get yourself a clear plastic folder from The Dollar Store. You will need a permanent marking pen with a medium tip. Place your clear plastic over the photo copy of her templates in the book and trace them with your permanent marker. TIP: place an arrow to indicate your seam line. This will help you when you are cutting directional fabrics or motifs that you want to align in a certain way.
Take an old pair of scissors and cut out your plastic templates.