Sunday, October 5, 2014

Candy Corn Table Topper Tutorial

This is a tutorial for making the Candy Corn Table Topper.  If you want a fast and easy project, this is a good one.  It took me about an hour, start to finish, with taking photos along the way.  Mind you, this has not been quilted yet, but I think probably another hour of time and I could have it quilted and the binding on.

Okay, here we go, start with 5 strips cut 2.5" x WOF 
(Width of Fabric 40-44")  
mix up lights, darks and mediums for visual interest.  

Stitch your strips together in a strip set and press all the seams in one direction. Doesn't matter which way, they just all need to go in the same direction.  TIP:  make sure your seams are all the way open.

Now take a look at your quilt ruler, look for the 60 degree marks. Don't get them mixed up with the 45 degree marks or you'll have a mess.  You might want to put a colorful sticker at one end to remind you.

Lay your ruler on your fabric and line up the 60 degree line with the first seam on your set. Make sure the bottom of the ruler is on the fabric before you make a cut.   Trim away the fabric to the left of the ruler as shown below.  Make sure your ruler doesn't move when you are cutting.  The first cut is very important.

Okay, now move your ruler and line up that 60 degree line with the cut side of your fabric as shown below.  See how we are creating that 60 degree triangle?  Okay, now cut your fabric along the right side of the ruler, as shown below.

Now, without turning your fabric, turn your ruler and line up that 60 degree mark along the cut edge of your fabric as shown below.  Again, you will make your cut on the right side of the ruler as shown below.  You will continue to do this, alternating your ruler back and forth until you reach the end of the strip set.  You should have 6 triangular pieces.

If you have done as instructed, you should have 6 triangles.  You will notice by cutting 3 right side up and 3 upside down that we have two different looking sets of triangles.  Alternate these for your layout as shown below.

We will sew this together in two sets as shown below.  All seams will be pressed OPEN.  

Take one triangle and place it right sides together on the other.  Now this is the cool part.  Since we ironed all the fabric seams in one direction to start, they will nestle together.  Nest your seams and place a pin next to the seam to keep things lining up properly. This seam is on the diagonal so be careful when you are stitching and don't over stretch the seam, you can give a little tug to get things lined up if necessary.

Nest your seams as shown below, you will feel them nest together, then tuck a pin next to the seam.

When you have stitched your seam, press it open as shown below.

You are now ready to attach the third triangle.  Make sure you alternate colorways.  Note the tip or rabbit ear that is sticking out. Don't cut it off.  Leave it, we will use it to match up the tip of our next triangle as shown below.

Now stitch 1/4 inch starting at the intersection of that tip and the other side as shown below.  Press your seam open. and it should look like the one below.  Leave that little tip, it will help us line things up, you can trim it after.

Do the same for the other 3 triangles.  You should have two halves sewn together now.   Take a pin and put it through the intersection of the point on one half and through the same point on the other to line them up right sides together.  Keep this pin perpendicular to your fabric and place a couple pins on either side before you remove it as shown below.

As before, nest all of your seams, placing a pin next to each one to keep your fabric from moving and stitch your final seam.  Trim off any remaining bunny ears and press your seam OPEN.  You are ready to quilt and bind your Candy Corn Table Topper!  It will take two strips of fabric 2.5" x WOF (width of fabric 40-44") stitched together to bind your little table topper.  Finished size is about 23 inches in diameter.   You can increase or decrease the size of your table topper simply by using wider or narrower strips in your strip set.  The table topper will finish at about twice the width of your strip set.  


  1. This is awesome...Thanks so much for the tutorial.

  2. I worked on one yesterday, so easy! Thank you! I made a few boo boos like I used 6 fabrics to make it larger but then I don't have that one band that is the same all the way around. I then didn't continue to read the instructions and made a mess of the center. But I'm happy. This is for a friend of mine who decorates her house completely for Halloween.

    1. I was thinking about making it with six strips, too, to cover more area. I wonder what it would look like with one wider 3rd row... say 4 1/2 inch cut. I guess I'm going to have to play with this. Thanks so much for your "heads up"... wouldn't have thought about it until I went to put it together. ;)

    2. I was thinking about making it 6 rows, too, to cover a little more space. Hadn't thought about that 3rd row. I wonder how it would look with a wider 3rd row... say cut 4 1/2 inches. Looks like I'll have to do a little playing around with it. Thanks for the "heads up". I wouldn't have thought about that until I went to put it together. ;)

    3. Love this...thank you!!

    4. It says to increase or decrease width of strips to alter size…then it will look exactly as it should. Love mine!

  3. This is so cute and you made it look extremely easy. Thanks for the tutorial!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. So Cute! Hope I can get one done for my daughter - she wants the runner I just made for myself! Thanks for the tutorial :)
    Debby E

  6. Lovely - just found some scraps from my Halloween quilt that I made last year - perfect timing!! Thanks for the instructions!

    1. I just finished my third one, but decided I needed to view tutorial again. That was helpful seeing that I needed to sew all the way to end of fabrics at tiny triangle. Maybe my next one will lay flatter.
      I made the last one with a wider strip for middle strip and it worked keeping the others all the same. A great tutorial and a fun quick project.

  7. hello, where do l get the free pattern from plzz?

    1. The pattern is all verbal and use the pictures above to help understand it.

  8. Replies
    1. Hi Sue, you can put anything you want on the back, If you use a pretty print you can make it reversible. Mine just has a plain fabric on the back.

  9. Justine Arrasate LloydSeptember 3, 2016 at 8:32 AM

    THANK YOU SEW MUCH FOR SHARING!!!!! I have been searching for a free pattern/tutorial and yours is perfect! I will make some in other holiday/seasonal fabric as well for gifts!

    1. That's great Justine! Be sure to send me a photo of your creation! I'd love to post it here on our blog as well as our Facebook page!

  10. going to review over and over, then try. Thank you

    1. Shelvie,I'm sure it will turn out beautiful. Just have fun with it. Once you make one, you'll want to make more!

  11. Just finished making one with fall colors. Fun and easy. Thanks for the instructions.

    1. You're welcome! I bet it turned out very pretty! You'll have to send me a picture if you have one!I love to see what others create!

  12. Just made it with fall colors. Fun and easy. Thanks for the instructions.

    1. I'll bet that is really pretty. Send me a picture at and I will be sure to post it here on the blog as well as our Facebook page! Thanks again for the comment!

  13. Just found this wonderful tutorial and made it today, 9-11-2016. I used Christmas fabrics and it came out really nice! Thanks for the great tutorial; what a fun project!

    1. So happy that you enjoyed it. I would love to see your creation! Drop me a photo and I'll post it on our Facebook site as well as here on the blog! Send your pic to Thanks again!

  14. I can't seem to figure out the ruler and how to use it correctly - and your pictures are just confusing - any help you can give me?

    1. Deena, I would suggest that you get yourself a 60% triangle ruler, it may make the whole process much easier for you. Watch for specials at Joanns or any local craft or quilting shop. I'm sorry you're having such a time with it. You also might try YouTube to see if there is a video that will help you cut a 60% triangle. Best of luck.

  15. Did you use any batting between the top and the backing? I love this and it looks something this "newbie" could handle! Thanks.

  16. Hi Kay! Yes I use a thin batting, Hobbs 80/20 between the top and the backing. It's definitely "newbie" friendly!

  17. Hey!! I did it love the look I'll do more for my girls.

  18. Made one of this pattern in Christmas material, thanks for sharing the pattern. You say that you can adjust the width of your strips for different sizes. Do you still cut on the 60 degree line on the ruler? I haven't worked with triangles much, so wasn't sure.

    1. Yes, Beverly, you would still cut on the 60 degree line on your ruler. So whether you are using a 1 1/2 inch strip or a 4 inch strip you will still sew your strip set together the same way and cut on a 60 degree angle to create your pieces.

  19. I love this; Halloween is my favorite holiday, but I would love to try to make for each holiday. Not a quilter, but your instructions are very easy to understand. I'll find some scrap fabrics and try to sew this one. Thank you for sharing your instructions.

  20. Replies
    1. just stitched in the ditch, you can quilt it anyway you like

  21. How did you quilt it? I made two Christmas and one Halloween so easy!

    1. just stitched in the ditch, you can stitch next to the ditch or anyway you like it

  22. It has been such a long time that I wanted to make something like this! I love your tutorial! Very easy to follow. I really hope to make one very soon with Halloween fabrics! :)

  23. thank you, nice tutorial, may even get around to making

  24. I am going to try one using Christmas fabric. I don't have any Halloween fabric but have plenty of Christmas.

  25. I made three of these today. So simple and fun. I put photos on my fb page and have a friend who wants to know ifbit can be made big enough to use for a tree skirt. I am thinking it might get kind of tricky that big but you would know better. Thanks

  26. Thanks for sharing your pattern. You could make this for every season !

  27. I LOVE the fabrics you used! Can you tell me where you got them or who makes them, especially the cat fabric? Thanks!

    1. Thank you Susan, the cat fabric was purchased many years ago and is no longer available.

  28. Thanks for the great tutorial. I used some left over 2 1/2 inch strips to make mine. I emailed you a photo.

  29. The first one I made turned out perfectly. The next 2 will not lay flat after I sew the 2 sets of triangles together. Any idea what I am doing wrong?

    1. check your cutting, you may have slipped off the proper angle. Take your time and measure and cut carefully. Also, make sure you are stitching 6 triangles together.

  30. Can someone explain tell me how much material I will need? 1/2 yard of 5 differ colors??
    Thank you

    1. Barb an eighth of a yard of each will be more than plenty. Careful cutting your 2.5" strips x Width of Fabric.

  31. What is the approx. finished size of this? Very nice and your details are great.... def. going to try this one! Thank you

    1. finishes about 23" in diameter, you can increase or decrease the size by the width of the strips...2" or 3" etc.

  32. For making a Puff Ottoman, make 2 of these. Then use a strip of fabric about 50 to 56 inches long by about 16 to 18 inches wide. Leave a side opening in the side seam about 6 to 8 inches after joining the top and bottoms to this long strip of fabric for turning and stuffing with about 5 pounds of Polyfill or the like. Then, close it up by hand stitching.

  33. Hello There!
    I made your table topper in the fall and used it throughout the holidays! I wrote about it tonight ( and linked right back to you! Thank you for an amazingly easy tutorial that results in a gorgeous topper!

  34. How could you make this pattern bigger?

  35. Can't wait to try this! I'm always looking for some quick Christmas Gifts! I can have something for every holiday! Thank You!

  36. This was such a delight to make. Love doing it and the tutorial was so easy to follow. Thank you so much for sharing it.

  37. Appreciate the tutorial! Made me one in fall colors, but am definitely going to make a Christmas one and a spring one too!

  38. Love this tutorial and the pictures! Your did a wonderful job with it! Thank you so much for sharing! Any easy way to bind it or suggestions! Just using the 21/2 binding strips is what you are recommending right! Do you have a special way to do this that is easy? Thanks so much again!

  39. Such a quick and easy pattern. I used a purple pattern and used a solid orange for the middle and it really turned out beautiful. My next one will be in blues to mimic a snowflake. Thank you for the clear instructions and beautiful pattern!

  40. How much fabric of each one do you need to complete this darling table topper?

  41. I'm pretty late to the party, but I'm working on one of these right now. Thank you for the tutorial---it is one of the easier ones I've found for this style of table topper. My table is 21" wide, so I cut my strips 2 1/4" wide.

  42. When sewing the strip set do I use 5/8” seams?

  43. Tried this in 2019, love the easy instructions to follow, Mine isn't perfect but I love it. Thank you for the tutorial.

  44. I found this pattern in a book a girlfriend of mine purchased and she didn’t have a ruler with the 60 degree line, however, it had a template you could use in the book. It didn’t work! We both tried it and it buckled up in the center. We were able to switch the triangles around and it came out kind of oblong, but not as pictured. I’m glad I found your tutorial and I’ll give it a try.. thanks

  45. I just finished one of these. And have fabric cut for another one that I will do tomorrow. I'll quilt and bind after both are pieced. I've wanted to do this for such a long time and someone posted a pic and I just went for it. Fun and enjoyed doing it. Thanks for sharing.

  46. Help!!! No matter what I do my seams do not line up when I sew the triangles together. How do I fix this?

  47. How do you measure for the backing and quilting please

  48. excellent.... straight forward, good illustrations..... THANK YOU

  49. I made one using spring colors turned out awesome

  50. I've made 6 of these so far. I do not bind mine. I use the "flip" method. I put the batting down and then backing and topper right sides together on top of batting. Sew around edge, leave a few inches for turning....I then top stitch the edge. It looks great. I've made some using 3 inch strips, and some using 1 1/2 inch. The 1 1/2 inch strip size makes two toppers using 5 strips. They are very cute a mug rug.

  51. I was trying this with a 60 degree equilateral triangle ruler, but can’t get 6 triangles. Do I need to use a different tiler?

  52. If you are going to press your seams all one direction in each set, then alternate the other direction for the next set, I agree the sets will nest beautifully! BUT in your instructions you start by saying "press all seams open" !!!

    1. Thank you for that feedback. Sometimes when folks press, they do not get the seam pressed open all the way, on the right side of the fabric, you want to make sure the fabric is pressed to one side, but that you have pressed that seam open all the way. Hope that helps you.

  53. What is that ruler you're using, and how do I get it?

    1. any ruler with a 60 degree marking on it will work.

  54. What is that ruler you're using, and how do I get it?

    1. Any ruler with a 60 degree marking on it will work.

  55. What is that ruler you're using?

    1. Any ruler that has a 60degree marking on it will work.
